Families’ decisions about child care vary based on their budgets, needs, constraints, and preferences. But COVID-19 has upended all these variables and has affected the supply of child care that many families relied on before the pandemic. To support working parents as they balance the need to financially support their families with the desire to protect their children’s health, safety, and development, Policymakers should consider ways to ensure families have access to a sufficient supply of child care options to meet their changing needs.

Returning to pre-pandemic child care arrangements is not feasible for all families. Researchers at the University of Oregon reported that lower-income families were more uncertain than higher-income families about their ability to return to their pre-pandemic child care arrangements as the economy reopens, with almost half (48 per cent) of lower-income households reporting that they either couldn’t return or were uncertain they could.

These data come from a survey from the University of Oregon’s Center on Translational Neuroscience. The Rapid Assessment of Pandemic Impact on Development (RAPID) – Early Childhood Survey was designed to continuously gather information regarding the needs, health-promoting behaviours, and well-being of families with young children during the COVID-19 outbreak in the United States.

With these global findings and our children being ordinary just like all other children, they ave needs to be met which has bevome difficult following the effects of COVID 19 pandemic.

The Home in collaboration with our friends from Ruiru Sports club is organizing a golf tournament in support of our children. It is a hard moment and we are requesting all the people of good-will to purchase a ticket that is worth Ksh. 2,500/= which will change the lives of our children and enable them to live to their full potential despite their health condition. They are especially at risk at the moment wirh their low immunity.

You can buy a golf tournament ticket at the Talitha Kum Home or via M-PESA (Till No.: 441737).